Differentiation with Technology

Differentiation with Technology

Day 1 Lesson 1: What is the point? 

For this lesson, the objective is for students to determine the central idea of their reading  "from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad." A technology tool that can be incorporated into the lesson is Edpuzzle. Edpuzzle 
will be used within a whole group setting to provide additional practice for students to enhance their understanding of the central idea. Using gamification in live mode, Edpuzzle will assist with student engagement by giving them an overall visual in front of the whole class and the questions appearing on their screen (Edpuzzle Staff, 2022). Ensuring that technology is used appropriately, students cannot view which of their peers got the answers right or wrong; instead, they can see the percentage of the class that selected the correct answer and the wrong answer (Edpuzzle Staff, 2022). Students only being able to see the percentage of answers wrong or right allows for increased participation from students without the fear of being singled out. Since students are reading about a historical figure from a particular time in history, Edpuzzle promotes diverse cultural perspectives through the opportunity for students to view videos that feature visuals that will increase their understanding of who Harriet Tubman was.   

Day 2 Lesson 2: How is it organized? 

For the second lesson, the objective is for students to understand various text structures and analyze how different text structures present and link information in their reading of "Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad." A technology tool that can be integrated into the lesson is Canva. After students have read the required reading and annotated their text for information related to the objective, students' summative assessment will be to create a visual presentation to show their understanding of text structure. Canva allows teachers to share ideas with students when groups or classes are created and allows students to collaborate in real time with one another to build presentations. Students can embed images, audio, and videos and record themselves when presenting (Monticello, 2024). 

Additionally, when students are connected to Canva through their student account, they can only connect with other users in their school and see material connected to their school (Monticello, 2024). This technology tool engages students because they can choose the presentation style they would like to use to show their understanding of what they learned in the lesson. Canva provides many presentation options, including social media templates that students use in their daily lives. Further, it engages the student with a learning experience in exploring their creativity. Students can share their presentation with the teacher to ensure Canva is used appropriately. Also, when provided with a rubric for their presentation, students can ensure they complete the required tasks.

Day 3 Lesson 3: What's the connection?

For the third lesson, the objective is for students to analyze connections or distinctions made in their reading "from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad" among the individuals, ideas, or events discussed. A technology tool that can be used for this lesson is Parlay. Parlay allows students to connect to have discussions and allows teachers to track how the conversation builds among learners (Eckert, 2021). After students have read the reading, they can use Parlay to answer the following questions: "How effective is the author in conveying the connections and distinctions between individuals and events?" and "What alternate ways could the author have explored the connections and distinctions between the individuals, events, or ideas in the text?" Parlay engages students by having interactive conversations, allowing them to participate and keep track of the discussion with their peers. To ensure that Parlay is being used appropriately, I can view which students are adding to the conversation and the path the conversation is heading. Using Parlay's built-in tools, I can view the frequency of students responding in real-time to the discussion (Eckert, 2021). Using Parlay promotes diverse cultural perspectives because students can share their ideas with their classmates and see thoughts and opinions that differ from theirs to improve their understanding and perspective. 


Eckert, J. (2021, February 5). 10 teacher picks for best tech tools. Eduptopia. 

Edpuzzle Staff. (2022, June 20). 6 ways to use edpuzzle in the classroom. EDTECH. 

Monticello, P. (2024, April). Canva for education. Common Sense Education. 


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