
Differentiation with Technology

Differentiation with Technology Day 1 Lesson 1: What is the point?  For this lesson, the objective is for students to determine the central idea of their reading   "from Harriet Tubman: Conductor on the Underground Railroad."  A technology tool that can be incorporated into the lesson is Edpuzzle. Edpuzzle  will be used within a whole group setting to provide additional practice for students to enhance their understanding of the central idea. Using gamification in live mode, Edpuzzle will assist with student engagement by giving them an overall visual in front of the whole class and the questions appearing on their screen (Edpuzzle Staff, 2022). Ensuring that technology is used appropriately, students cannot view which of their peers got the answers right or wrong; instead, they can see the percentage of the class that selected the correct answer and the wrong answer (Edpuzzle Staff, 2022). Students only being able to see the percentage of answers wrong or right allows for in

Designing a Differentiated Lesson Plan

 Designing a Differentiated Lesson Plan Differentiated lesson plans ensure that the content, activities, and assessments are personalized to meet the different needs of learners in the classroom. When differentiating lessons, teachers can modify the content, process, product, or learning environment (Corujo, 2023). When differentiating content, teachers present the lesson's information in various ways, such as providing visual aids, implementing audio, or utilizing small group instruction (Corujo, 2023). When differentiating the process, teachers can have students work independently while other students work collaboratively (Corujo, 2023). Differentiating the product consists of teachers implementing various ways for students to show their understanding of the content, such as using choice boards, giving students the option to write a response, give a speech, or create a poster (Corujo, 2023). Lastly, teachers can differentiate the learning environment by changing the classroom lay

Learning Styles Analysis

 LEARNING STYLE ANALYSIS  Interconnection of Learning Styles and Development Learning styles are interconnected with the student's cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical development through their engagement and level of motivation. When students are engaged with the lessons and activities, there is a greater chance of enhanced learning and retention of the information presented. When teachers develop lessons that utilize all learning styles, students benefit from building different skills. 

Assessing Technology-Based Resources for Differentiation

  TECHNOLOGIES   Flipgrid   Description: Flipgrid is a video-sharing tool that allows teachers to promote discussion in the classroom. Teachers can create groups and post topics that are essentially video assignments for students to complete. Topics are shared with students, and they can respond to the prompt. Video responses can range from fifteen seconds to ten minutes, and students can respond to their classmates' videos (Powers, 2023). Cost: Free User friendliness: Teachers can sign up for Flipgrid using a Microsoft or Google email account. Groups can be created for students to join via a QR code, sending the link and code through email, or posting the link and code in a learning management system. Teachers can create topics where they can generate questions that are uploaded onto a message board. Within the topic, teachers can include an optional description of the question and images, record videos, embed stickers, upload videos, add YouTube videos, and add attachments. S